Children can improve their physical and mental development by taking martial arts classes. Jeong Ui also offers adult martial arts programs to help adults become fit, disciplined, and self-protective. Our event is a family affair with many adults coming with their kids!

Keeping fit is more than just a gym membership for Jeong Ui adult students. We offer training sessions for You will gain confidence in learning new self-defense skills, lose weight with a great workout, and improve your memory as you master each new belt level technique. A big advantage of joining Jeong Ui is the many new friends you make and the opportunity to work together as a team to excel in terms of fitness. By learning martial arts skills, you can cope with the stress and pressure of your daily routine, and discover the peace of mind that comes with knowing how to protect yourself and your loved ones. We provide training sessions at resident apartments, villas, and flats to allow you to master the art at your own pace and convenience.

You can progress at your own pace at Jeong Ui Because classes are individualized. Adults participate and improve at their own fitness level while improving their skills and techniques.

It is also possible for families to take classes together. In addition to offering non-competitive fun activities for the parents and children, this class is a wonderful bonding experience for everyone while teaching them how to recognize and defend themselves from bullies and dangerous situations.

We provide certified training sessions which can be learned by students starting at the age of 3 to any ages, without any age barriers. Your child will benefit greatly from these Taekwondo programs as it enables them to take part in various competitions and get grace marks in school and college levels. These certificates are also valued in programs like NSS, NCC, Student Police etc.

Both men and women can benefit from Jeong Ui workout. Martial arts classes are beneficial to everyone - not just children. You are welcome to enroll in Jeong Ui today if you are looking to learn the latest martial arts moves and practical self-defense techniques or to improve your physical condition. We challenge you to come join those of us who believe "It's never too late to start!”.