In the era of digital smartness and lack of physical well-being, the importance of being adept in martial arts is more than ever. The unique aspect of Jeong Ui Academy classes is that they include group discussions and role-playing activities. We discuss life lessons during and after class, offer alternative solutions to resolve problems, especially with children who are developing their relationship skills.

Our goal is to help parents and schools to strengthen good behavior and self-confidence by discussing these topics with our Instructors as mentors.

In spite of the fact that people generally choose a martial arts school based on other factors than the martial arts style it teaches (e.g., reputation, location, character-building emphasis, family orientation), it's still a good idea to have a general understanding of the styles of martial arts before starting your search. Taekwondo is the primary martial arts training style we offer at Jeong Ui Academy, which follows the syllabi of Kukkiwon in Seoul, South Korea, is the headquarters of the World Taekwondo Organization. A World Taekwondo Dan Certificate is awarded to all of our Black Belt students. This certificate is recognized throughout the world.

At Jeong Ui, we promote community, respect, discipline, camaraderie, fitness, and hard work in a family-friendly environment. In our opinion, learning is best when it is shared with friends. With a positive attitude and lots of encouragement, we live by our motto "Never Give Up" in every class.